15th Nov
We started the production planning to conceptualise the different ideas which would make a successful thriller, creating a visual mindmap to explore and expand the ideas. We decided to deviate away from the usual ideas involving stalkers/weapons/gore because we thought it would look very low budget, unprofessional and would not be engaging to watch. We used notes written on other thriller openings to identify codes and conventions of a thriller so that we could include them in ours.
16th Nov
We created questionnaires to be given to the general public, with questions involving what people think make a successful thriller, so that these things could be incorporated into our own thriller opening. We used thirty questionnaires with twenty questions and divided them equally among the group to get them filled in.
18th Nov
We analysed the information collected in the questionnaires and collated the results of each question into graphs, adding an evaluation of the results for each separate question. This showed that the most popular thriller genre was a psychological thriller, therefore we decided to go with the psychological thriller idea we had previously come up with.
22nd Nov
The treatment and synopsis was started, based on the idea which we had decided on.
24th Nov
The treatment and synopsis were completed, and we updated our blogs. The certificate was also decided and justified.
25th Nov
Based on the treatment a shooting script for the thriller opening was created, which entailed each shot which would be captured being noted down in detail.
30th Nov
The shooting script was completed and, based on it, we started the story boards, sharing out the drawing of them equally.
2nd Dec
The story boards were finished and we gave information about the setting (where the thriller was being filmed) on location sheets so that we could go out and begin filming.
We hired out a camera and were ready to start filming at our location, but the actor we employed to star in the thriller let us down and didn’t show up. On this short notice we had to go and begin filming some of the shots which did not involve an actor e.g. the pans of the room etc.
6th - 9th Dec
In class we updated our blogs and made sure that everything necessary was up to date. We moreover employed a new actor and went out to film more shots with him.
10th - 15th Dec
We updated our blogs in class time and logged the shots which we had filmed on the logging sheets provided. On the 15th we had to film without Katie, since she went on holiday, but unfortunately the camera didn’t work so we couldn’t film any more shots.
16th Dec
In class we logged more shots which we had then filmed and went to record more without Katie. The
battery pack didn't work properly but still all the shots were filmed and the recording was completed.
17th Dec
We started digitising the footage on Adobe Premiere Pro, turning the most successful takes of the scenes into clips which would be made into the thriller opening.
4th Jan
We continued digitising the rest of the recordings on the tape and converted the most successful takes into clips on premiere pro.
We finished digitising and saving clips on premiere pro, ready to be made into the thriller opening.
7th Jan
We began editing clips together to make a rough cut.
10th Jan
We continued editing, to make a more precise and higher quality cut of the thriller opening. The tape got lost but, fortunately, we had all the footage digitised which was needed to put into the two minute thriller opening.
11th Jan
We found the tape and continued editing while also finishing logging the recordings on the tape.
13th Jan
We started creating titles and credits for the film opening in fonts which correspond to the fonts shown in the questionnaire and which the people asked decided would be most representative of a thriller. We also started to create an audience feedback questionnaire so that people can rate our thriller opening after watching it.
14th Jan
We searched for royalty free music which would be appropriate for our thriller on youtube and various copyright free sites. I started the edit decision lists.
17th Jan
We found a music track which could be used for our thriller on youtube and converted it into an mp3 file which we could use on our opening. We then edited the sound to make it more effective, making the slamming of the door and sounds of running up the stairs louder. I completed the edit decision lists.
18th Jan
We completed our editing, making sure that the music went well with the thriller and perfecting it since we had to repeat the track more than once to make it fit our thriller. When we were happy with the music we continued editing the film to a high quality. We also began work on our evaluations individually.
20th Jan
We printed out 20 audience feedback questionnaires and distributed them evenly between us to give to people on asking them to watch our film. We continued work on our evaluations in class and I completed section 12 of my blog at home.
21st Jan
We edited our film to make it shorter, since it was almost three minutes long. To do this we cut some of the pans and removed the scene of the character walking into the bathroom, though, fortunately, a viewer cannot tell there was another clip there originally. We also uploaded our films onto youtube to get more feedback from other people.
24th Jan
We collected the results of our audience feedback questionnaires together and collated the results into tally charts between us to put into graphs. We moreover carried on with what we were going to do for our evaluations.
25th Jan
We continued to put things on our blogs and work on our evaluations individually.
27th Jan
We edited our film opening to make it all wide screen and made sure that we were still happy with the music, editing and sound. I took a camera home to record two sections of my evaluation.
28th Jan
I digitised my recordings of my evaluation sections and saved them as avi files on my pen drive, as well as my prelim and thriller opening videos. As there was not enough memory on my pen drive, I could not fit the audio of my second evaluation section on, but I shall do that on Monday. At home, I used Prezi and PowerPoint to complete two other sections of my evaluation.
29th Jan
I used my editing program at home to edit the recording of my first evaluation section, incorporating into it parts of my thriller opening which I am discussing, and used Prezi to complete another section. I put all of my completed sections on my blog and freed up space on my USB to put my audio evaluation section on there on Monday.
1st Feb
Carried on working individually on our evaluations. I completed five of the seven sections.
3rd Frb
Completed all sections of my evaluation, each using a different media e.g. audio, video, slideshows.
1st Feb
Carried on working individually on our evaluations. I completed five of the seven sections.
3rd Frb
Completed all sections of my evaluation, each using a different media e.g. audio, video, slideshows.